Dr. Dennis Harries


Dr. Dennis Harries

Image: Dr. Dennis Harries

Research interests:

  • Space weathering of crystalline solids exposed to space: samples returned by the Hayabusa mission and analog studies
  • Mineralogy and crystallography of extraterrestrial materials and the history of the Solar System. Ultrarefractory materials.
  • Relationships between structures, crystallographic defects, and physicochemical and spectroscopic properties of crystalline solids.
  • Mineral-fluid interactions, interface and surface processes.
  • Analytical techniques and reference material development/chemometry.
  • Beruflicher Werdegang

    Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

    Institut für Geowissenschaften, Analytical Mineralogy Division

    Postdoctoral research associate, 2012 - current


    University of Bayreuth/Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

    Bayerisches Geoinstitut

    Research associate, 2008 - 2012


    Georg August University Göttingen, German

    Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum Göttingen, Geochemistry Division

    Research assistant EPMA laboratory, 2004 - 2008


  • Universitätsausbildung

    University of Bayreuth, Germany

    Bayerisches Geoinstitut

    Dr. rer. nat, Experimental Geosciences, 2012

    Thesis: 'Structure and Reactivity of Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Pyrrhotites'


    Georg August University Göttingen, Germany

    Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum Göttingen

    Diploma in Earth Sciences (Dipl.-Geow.), 2008

    Thesis: 'Chemical Characterisation and Homogeneity Testing of Single Crystal Apatites as Reference Materials'

    Mapping Project ('Diplomkartierung'): 'Structural Geological and Lithological Mapping in the Vicinity of the Sierra Ballena Shear Zone, Northeast of Minas, Uruguay'


    Georg August University Göttingen, Germany

    Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum Göttingen

    Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences (BSc. Geow.), 2006

    Thesis: 'Element Zoning in Pyroxenes and Garnets of the AD 79 Eruption of Vesuvius'


  • Publikationen

    Bischoff A., Alexander C.M.O., Barrat J.-A., Burkhardt C., Busemann H., Degering D., Di Rocco T., Fischer M., Fockenberg T., Foustoukos D.I., Gattacceca J., Godinho J.R.A., Harries D., Heinlein D., Hellmann J.L., Hertkorn N., Holm A., Jull A.J.T., Kerraouch I., King A.J., Kleine T., Koll D., Lachner J., Ludwig T., Merchel S., Mertens C.A.K., Morino P., Neumann W., Pack A., Patzek M., Pavetich S., Reitze M.P., Rüfenacht M., Rugel G., Schmidt C., Schmitt-Kopplin P., Schönbächler M., Trieloff M., Wallner A., Wimmer K., and Wölfer E. (2021). The old, unique C1 chondrite Flensburg – Insight into the first processes of aqueous alteration, brecciation, and the diversity of water-bearing parent bodies and lithologies. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 293, 142–186.

    Harries D. and Bischoff A. (2020) Petrological evidence for the existence and disruption of a 500 km-sized differentiated planetesimal of enstatite-chondritic parentage. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 548, 116506.

    Leitner J., Metzler K., Vollmer C., Floss C., Haenecour P., Kodolányi J., Harries D., and Hoppe P. (2020) The presolar grain inventory of fine‐grained chondrule rims in the Mighei‐type (CM) chondrites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 55, 1176–1206.

    Matsumoto T., Harries D., Langenhorst F., Miyake A., Noguchi T. (2020) Iron whiskers on asteroid Itokawa indicate sulfide destruction by space weathering. Nature Communications 11, 1–8.

    Pang R.-L., Harries D, Pollok K, Zhang A.-C., and Langenhorst F. (2019) Unique mineral assemblages of shock-induced titanium-rich melt pockets in eucrite Northwest Africa 8003. Geochemistry 79, 12554.

    Harries, D. (2019) Interface processes and anomalous oxygen transport in rapid metal oxidation and magnetite formation at protoplanetary conditions. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 3, 2207–2224.

    Ebert S., Bischoff A., Harries D., Lentfort S., Barrat J.-A., Pack A., Gattacceca J., Visser R., Schmid‐Beurmann P. and Kimpel S. (2019) Northwest Africa 11024-A heated and dehydrated unique carbonaceous (CM) chondrite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 54, 328−356.

    Pang R.-L., Harries D., Pollok K., Zhang A.-Ch. and Langenhorst F. (2018) Vestaite, (Ti4+Fe2+)Ti4+3O9, a new mineral in the shocked eucrite Northwest Africa 8003. American Mineralogist 103, 1502−1511.

    Barth M.I.F., Harries D., Langenhorst F. und Hoppe P. (2018) Sulfide-oxide assemblages in Acfer 094-Clues to nebular metal-gas interactions. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 53, 187-203.

    Harries D. und Langenhorst F. (2018) Carbide-metal assemblages in a sample returned from asteroid 25143 Itokawa: Evidence for methane-rich fluids during metamorphism. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 222, 53−73.

    Fazio A., Harries D., Matthäus G., Mutschke H., Nolte S. und Langenhorst F. (2018) Femtosecond laser irradiation of olivine single crystals: Experimental simulation of space weathering. Icarus, 299, 240,252.

    Meier A., Kastner A., Harries D., Wierzbicka-Wieczorek M., Majzlan J., Büchel G. und Kothe E. (2017) Calcium carbonates: Induced biomineralization with controlled macromorphology. Biogeosciences, 14, 4867,4878.

    Bischoff A., Barrat J.-A., Bauer K., Burkhardt C., Busemann H., Ebert S., Gonsior M., Hakenmüller J., Haloda J., Harries D., Heinlein D., Hiesinger H., Hochleitner R., Hoffmann V., Kaliwoda M., Laubenstein M., Maden C., Meier M.M.M., Morlok A., Pack A., Ruf A., Schmitt-Kopplin P., Schönbächler M., Steele R.C.J., Spurný P. and Wimmer K. (2017) The Stubenberg meteorite−An LL6 chondrite fragmental breccia recovered soon after precise prediction of the strewn field. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 52, 1683-1703.

    Bartoschewitz R., Appel P., Barrat J.A., Bischoff A., Caffee M.W., Franchi I.A., Gabelica Z., Greenwood R.C., Harir M., Harries D., Hochleitner R., et al. (2017). The Braunschweig meteorite− a recent L6 chondrite fall in Germany. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, 77, 207-224.

    Harries D., Yakame S., Karouji Y., Uesugi M., and Langenhorst F. (2016) Secondary submicrometer impact cratering on the surface of asteroid 25143 Itokawa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 450, 337-345.

    Harries D. and Zolensky M.E. (2016) Mineralogy of iron sulfides in CM1 and CI1 lithologies of the Kaidun breccia: Records of extreme to intense hydrothermal alteration. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 51, 1096-1109.

    Petitgirard S., Malfait W.J., Sinmyo R., Kupenko I., Hennet L., Harries D., Dane Th., Burghammer M., and Rubie D.C. (2015) Fate of MgSiO3 melts at core-mantle boundary conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112, 14186-14190.

    Fischer R.A., Nakajima Y., Campbell A.J., Frost D.J., Harries D., Langenhorst F., Miyajima N., Pollok K., and Rubie D.C. (2015) High pressure metal-silicate partitioning of Ni, Co, V, Cr, Si, and O. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 167, 177-194.

    Harries D., Langenhorst F, and Hoppe, P. (2015) Reactive ammonia in the solar protoplanetary disk and the origin of Earth's nitrogen. Nature Geoscience, 8, 97−105.

    Harries D., and Langenhorst F. (2014) The mineralogy and space weathering of a regolith grain from 25143 Itokawa and the possibility of annealed solar wind damage. Earth, Planets and Space, 66, 163.

    Schwander D., Berg T., Harries D., Schönhense G., and Ott U. (2014) Composition and clues to the origin of refractory metal nuggets extracted from chondritic meteorites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 49, 1888−1901.

    Langenhorst F., Harries D., Pollok K., and van Aken P. A. (2014) Mineralogy and defect microstructure of an olivine-dominated Itokawa dust particle: evidence for shock metamorphism, collisional fragmentation, and LL chondrite origin. Earth, Planets and Space, 66, 118.

    Harries D. (2014) Homogeneity testing of microanalytical reference materials by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, 74, 375−384.

    Harries D. and Langenhorst F. (2013) The nanoscale mineralogy of Fe,Ni sulfides in pristine and metamorphosed CM- and CM/CI-like chondrites: Tapping a petrogenetic record. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 48, 879-903.

    Harries D., Pollok K., and Langenhorst F. (2013) Oxidative dissolution of 4C- and NC-pyrrhotite: Intrinsic reactivity differences, pH dependence, and the effect of anisotropy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 102, 23−44.

    Horstmann M., Humayun M., Harries D., Langenhorst F., Chabot N. L., Bischoff A., and Zolensky, M. E. (2013) Wüstite in the fusion crust of Almahata Sitta sulfide-metal assemblage MS-166: Evidence for oxygen in metallic melts. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 48, 730-743.

    Langenhorst F., Harries D., and Pollok K. (2013) Non-stoichiometry, defects, and superstructures in sulphide and oxide minerals. In: Minerals at Nanoscale (F. Nieto and F. Gervilla, editors), EMU Notes in Mineralogy, Volume 14, Chapter 8: 261−294.

    Harries D., Berg T., Langenhorst F., and Palme H. (2012) Structural clues to the origin of refractory metal alloys as condensates of the solar nebula. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 47, 2148−2159.

    Mang Ch., Kontny A., Harries D., Langenhorst F., and Hecht L. (2012). Iron deficiency in pyrrhotite of suevites from the Chesapeake Bay impact crater, USA - A consequence of shock metamorphism? Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 47, 277−295.

    Harries D., Pollok K., and Langenhorst F. (2011) Translation interface modulation in NC-pyrrhotites: Direct imaging by TEM and a model toward understanding partially disordered structural states. American Mineralogist, 96, 716−731.


    Publications (conference abstracts)

    Fazio A., Harries D., and Langenhorst F. (2020) Report on four enstatite-rich regolith grains from the Itokawa asteroid. Europlanet Science Congress 2020 (Online), abstract EPSC2020-645.

    Leitner J., Vollmer C., Harries D., Kodolányi J., Ott U., and Hoppe P. (2020) Investigation of nitrides in carbonaceous chondrites: A window to early solar nebula processes? 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Houston, USA), abstract #1937.

    Harries D., Schmidt D., Fazio A., Wild P., Liermann H.-P., and Langenhorst F. (2020) Space weathering of phyllosilicates by hypervelocity impact:  Experimental insights into serpentine amorphization by non-hydrostatic stresses. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Houston, USA), abstract #2273.

    Matsumoto T., Nakauchi Y., Takigawa A., Harries D., Tsuchiyama A., Asada Y., Abe M., Langenhorst F., and Watanabe N. (2020) Modification of iron sulfides by low energy H and He ion irradiation. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Houston, USA), abstract #1825.

    Harries D., Fazio A., Langenhorst F., and Matsumoto T. (2019) Exploring radiation damage on near-Earth asteroid 25143 Itokawa by TEM. GeoMünster 2019 (Münster, Germany).

    Harries D. Schmidt D., Fazio A., Liermann H.-P., and Langenhorst F. (2019) Dynamical compression of serpentine in membrane-driven diamond anvil cells: Insights into amorphization by synchrotron XRD. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Sapporo, Japan).

    Matsumoto T., Miyake A., Harries D.,Noguchi T., and Langenhorst F. (2019) Shock melting features in regolith particles of S-type asteroid Itokawa. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Sapporo, Japan).

    Harries D., Fürst R. and Langenhorst F. (2019) Thermal release of water from CM2 chondrites: Insight from mass spectrometric evolved gas analysis (DEGAS). 82nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Sapporo, Japan).

    Harries D. (2018) Sulfide mineralogy of heated CM/CI-like chondrites as indicator of asteroidal processes. Hayabusa 2018/41st Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites (Sagamihara, Japan).

    Harries D., Matsumoto T., Fazio A., Uesugi M., and Langenhorst F. (2018) Solar wind-induced space weathering on asteroid Itokawa. European Planetary Science Congress 2018 (Berlin, Germany).

    Harries D., Barth M.I.F., and Langenhorst F. (2018) Extreme nebular nitrogen processing documented by iron nitride in Acfer 094? GeoBonn 2018 (Bonn, Germany).

    Pang R.-L., Harries D., Pollok K., Zhang A.-C., and Langenhorst F. (2018) Formation and implication of the titanium-rich shock melt pockets in eucrite Northwest Africa 8003. 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Moscow, Russia).

    Matsumoto T., Harries D., Miyake A., and Langenhorst F. (2018). Space weathering of iron sulfide grains from asteroid 25143 Itokawa. 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Moscow, Russia).

    Harries D., Barth M.I.F., and Langenhorst F. (2018) Iron nitride in metal of the primitive chondrite Acfer 094: Extreme nebular nitrogen processing? 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Moscow, Russia)

    Harries D. and Wild P. (2017) Particle track densities in olivine of the heated Jbilet Winselwan CM2 chondrite: Constraints on regolith heating? Hayabusa Symposium 2017/40th Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites (Tokyo, Japan).

    Harries D. and Wild P. (2017) Olivine grains extracted from the Jbilet Winselwan CM2 chondrite - A re-ference for the regolith of C-group asteroids? 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Santa Fe, USA).

    Harries D. and Barth M.I.F. (2017) Sulfide, oxide, and nitride formation in CM chondrites: A connection to the formation of type II Chondrules involving ices? 80th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Santa Fe, USA).

    Harries D., Yakame S., Karouji Y., Uesugi M., and Langenhorst F. (2016) Secondary submicrometer impact cratering on the surface of Itokawa. Hayabusa Symposium 2016/39th Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites (Tokyo, Japan).

    Petitgirard S., Malfait W.J., Sinmyo R., Kupenko I., Hennet L., Harries D., Journaux B., Kantor I., Collings I.E., Dane T., Burghamer M., and Rubie D.C. (2016) Density of silicate glasses and melts to extreme conditions of pressure. 54th European High Pressure Research Group (EHPRG) International Meeting on High Pressure Science and Technology (Bayreuth, Germany).

    Fabian K., Harries D., Pollok K., and McEnroe S.A. (2016) Magnetic properties of natural pyrrhotite: Superstructures, microstructures and phase transitions. 15th Castle Meeting New trends on Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism (Dinant, Belgium), abstract #44.

    Barth M.I.F., Harries D., and Langenhorst F. (2016) Chromium nitride in metal of the CM chondrite QUE 97990. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Berlin, Germany), abstract #6334.

    Fazio A., Harries D., Nolte S., Matthäus G., Mutschke H., and Langenhorst F. (2016) Laser-experiments on oriented olivine crystals: Evidence of space weathering. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Berlin, Germany), abstract #6357.

    Harries D. (2016) Experimental magnetite formation under protosolar conditions. 79th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Berlin, Germany), abstract #6191.

    Petitgirard S., Malfait W.J., Sinmyo R., Kupenko I., Journaux B., Collings I., Kantor I., Hennet L., Harries D., Dane T., Burghamer M., and Rubie D.C. (2016) Amorphous MgSiO3 and SiO2 Densities at Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions. 26th Goldschmidt Conference (Yokohama, Japan), abstract 2484.

    Harries D., Hoppe P. and Langenhorst F. (2016) Reactive ammonia in the protoplanetary disk. 26th Goldschmidt Conference (Yokohama, Japan), abstract 3828.

    Harries, D. (2015) Homogeneity testing of microanalytical reference materials by electron probe microanalysis. Microscopy and Microanalysis 2015 (Portland USA), Microscopy and Microanalysis 21 Supplement S3, 2195-2196. Invited Talk.

    Barth M.I.F., Harries D., and Langenhorst F. (2015) Microstructural characteristics of polycrystalline sulfide-assemblages in Acfer 094. 78th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Berkeley, USA), abstract #5046.

    Harries, D., Yakame S., Uesugi M., and Langenhorst F. (2015) FIB-TEM anatomy of a sub-micrometer impact crater on a Hayabusa grain. 78th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Berkeley, USA), abstract #5095.

    Vigliaturo R., Langenhorst F., Pollok K., Harries D., Capella S., and Belluso E. (2015) "In Vitro" Modifications of Mineral Fibers - Observations by Transmission Electron Microscopy. 25th Goldschmidt Conference (Prague, Czech Republic), abstract 3268.

    Petitgirard S., Malfait W.J., Sinmyo R., Kupenko I., Harries D., and Rubie D.C. (2015) Fate of silicate melts at core-mantle boundary conditions. 25th Goldschmidt Conference (Prague, Czech Republic), abstract 2470.

    Langenhorst F., Mansfeld U., Ebert M., Harries D., and Reimold W. U. (2015) First microscopic evidence for stishovite in a shock experiment with sandstone and constraints on its genesis. 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Houston, USA), abstract #1810.

    Harries D., and Langenhorst F. (2014) Haxonite from 25143 Itokawa and its implications for metamorphic parent body fluids. 77th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting 2014 (Casablanca, Morocco), abstract 5136.

    Langenhorst F., Harries D., Pollok K., and van Aken P. A. (2014) Evidence for microimpact in an olivine-dominated Hayabusa dust particle. 77th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting 2014 (Casablanca, Morocco), abstract 5392.

    Fischer R.A., Campbell A.J., Frost D.J., Harries D., Langenhorst F., Miyajima N., Pollok K., and Rubie D.C. (2013) Metal-silicate partitioning of Co, Ni, V, Cr, Si, and O up to 100 GPa and 5500 K: Implications for core formation. AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA), abstract V33D-2798.

    Harries D., Schwander D., Palme H., and Langenhorst F. (2013) Niobium- and platinum-rich refractory metal alloys from a type B CAI. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Houston, USA), abstract 1927External link.

    Harries D., Langenhorst F., and Zolensky M.E. (2012) Sulfides in aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrites: Parent body vs. nebula processes. European Mineralogical Conference (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), abstract EMC2012-478-2.

    Harries D., Langenhorst F., and Zolensky M.E. (2012) Sulfide formation in CM chondrites: Nebula vs. parent body processes. 75th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting 2012 (Cairns, Australia), abstract 5065.

    Langenhorst F., Harries D., and Pack A. (2012) Jepara - A New Main Group Pallasite from Java, Indonesia. 75th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting 2012 (Cairns, Australia), abstract 5068.

    Horstmann M., Humayun M., Harries D., Langenhorst F., Chabot N.L., Bischoff A., and Zolensky M.E. (2012) Wüstite in the fusion crust of the MS-166 Almahata Sitta metal-sulfide assemblage. 75th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting 2012 (Cairns, Australia), abstract 5324.

    Horstmann M., Humayun M., Harries D., Langenhorst F., Chabot N.L., and Bischoff A. (2012) Wüstite in the Almahata Sitta poymict ureilite: Implications for oxygen during asteroidal differentiation. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Houston, USA), abstract 1876.

    Harries D., Berg T., Palme H., and Langenhorst F. (2011) The fate of metals in the solar nebula: From condensation to oxidation, sulfidation, and nitridation. Workshop on Formation of the First Solids in the Solar System (Kauai, USA), abstract 9071.

    Harries D., Pollok K., and Langenhorst F. (2011) Pyrrhotite oxidative dissolution: Crystallographic and microstructural controls observed by FIB-TEM and 3D topometry. Joint Annual Meeting of DGK, DMG und ÖMG (Salzburg, Austria), abstract 145.

    Harries D., Pollok K., and Langenhorst F. (2011) Pyrrhotite oxidative dissolution: A microstructural perspective by FIB-TEM and surface topometry. 21st Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference (Prague, Czech Republic). Mineralogical Magazine, 75, 980.

    Harries D. and Langenhorst F. (2011) Nanocrystalline P-bearing pentlandite and chromium nitrides from CM2 chondrites Y-791198 and Y-793321. 74th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting 2011 (Greenwich, United Kingdom), abstract 5165.

    Harries D. and Langenhorst F. (2011) Sulfides in CM and CM/CI-like chondrites and their record of thermal metamorphism: A FIB-TEM study. 74th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting 2011 (Greenwich, United Kingdom), abstract 5166.

    Harries D., Fabian K., Pollok K., and McEnroe S.A. (2011) Correlation of microstructures and exsolution lamellae in natural pyrrhotites and magnetic properties. EGU General Assembly 2011 (Vienna, Austria), abstract 12987.

    Harries D., Berg T., Palme H., and Langenhorst F. (2011) The structure of refractory metal alloys, condensates from the early solar nebula. 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Houston, USA), abstract 1837External link.

    Mang C., Kontny A.M., Harries D., Langenhorst F., and Reimold U. (2010) Shock deformation and nucleation of magnetic minerals in suevites of the Chesapeake Bay impact crater, USA. AGU Fall meeting (San Francisco, USA), abstract GP43B-1056.

    Harries D., Pollok K., and Langenhorst F. (2010) Translation interface modulation in pyrrhotite: Structural self-organisation observed by transmission electron microscopy. 88th Annual Meeting of the DMG (Münster, Germany), abstract volume

    Harries D., Pollok K., and Langenhorst F. (2010) Self-organisation in the modulated structure of pyrrhotite: Direct observations by TEM. 20th General Meeting of the IMA, (Budapest, Hungary), abstract volume.

    Harries D., Pollok K., and Langenhorst F. (2009) Nanometer-wide magnetite lamellae in mixed 4C/NC-type pyrrhotite from Bodenmais (Bavaria, Germany) - alteration or exsolution? 87th Annual Meeting of the DMG (Halle, Germany), Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften, 31, 94.

    Pollok K., Harries D., Hopf J., Hellige K., Sitte J., Peiffer S., Küsel K., Hochella M.F., and Langenhorst F. (2009) Biotic and abiotic alteration and formation of sulfides: differences and commonalities. 87th DMG meeting 2009 (Halle, Germany), Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften, 31, 187.

    Harries D., Pollok K., Etzel K., and Langenhorst F. (2009) Structural Complexity in Pyrrhotites: What are the implications for mineral water interactions? 19th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference (Davos, Switzerland), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, Suppl. 1, abstract A495.

    Pollok K., Hellige K., Harries D., and Peiffer S. (2009) Redox Processes at the Nanoscale: A TEM Perspective of Iron Sulfide-Iron (Oxyhydr)oxide Reactions. 19th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference (Davos, Switzerland), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, Suppl. 1, abstract A1039.

    Harries D., Ewiak O., Löbens S., Prechtel F., Ertl G., Bense F., Oyhantçabal P., Siegesmund S., and Wemmer K. (2007) A geological map of the Sierra Ballena Shear Zone and its western basement, northeast of Villa Serrana, Dom Feliciano Belt - Uruguay. V Congreso Uruguayo de Geología (Montevideo, Uruguay), abstract 112.

    Harries D., Heumann A., Simon K., and Kronz A. (2007) Magmatic processes recorded by garnets from the AD 79 eruption of Vesuvius. 17th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference (Cologne, Germany), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, Suppl. 1, abstract A382.


Gordon A. McKay Award 2011, The Meteoritical Society

Paul Ramdohr Award 2011, The German Mineralogical Society

Geförderte Projekte

  • FIB-TEM studies of samples returned by the Hayabusa mission from asteroid 25143 Itokawa (collaboration with JAXA and Japanes colleagues).
  • Metal-related mineral assemblages as probes into protoplanetary gas-solid interactions (PI, DFG funded within SPP 1385). GASMIX lab de
  • Space weathering analog studies by femtosecond laser pulses (within DFG funded FOR 2285 'Debris Disks in Planetary Systems').
  • Regolith processes in CM2 chondrites (FSU Jena supported project).