Inside TEM

TEM lab

FEI Tecnai G2 FEG
Inside TEM
Image: Dr. Kilian Pollok


Image: Analytische Mineralogie
  • 200 kV transmission electron microscope with Schottky emitter
  • Gatan Quantum GIF for energy filtered imaging (EF-TEM) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS).
  • X-Maxn 80T SDD EDX system (Oxford)
  • Two 2K CCD cameras (Gatan) and HAADF STEM detector (Fischione).
  • analytical double tilt holder, analytical double tilt cooling holder, tomography holder
Falko Langenhorst, Prof. Dr
Prof. Dr. Falko Langenhorst
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)