Alexey Potapov

Dr. habil. Alexey Potapov

Alexey Potapov
Foto: Alexey Potapov


Physik und Chemie der interstellaren Wolken, planet-bildenden Scheiben und (exo)planetaren Atmosphären

exogene Synthese und Lieferung biomolekularer Vorläufer zur frühen Erde

Entstehung, Entwicklung und Eigenschaften kosmischer Staubkörner

katalytische Bildung von Molekülen auf kosmischen Staubkörnern

Entwicklung von experimentellen Anlagen für atmosphärenchemie und astrochemische Studien




Beobachtende Radio- und Infrarotastronomie

  • Beruflicher Werdegang

    seit 01/2024: Heisenberg Stelle, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

    08/2023 – 12/2023: Heisenberg Stelle, Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie

    04/2016 – 07/2023: Postdoktorand, Laborastrophysikgruppe des Max-Planck-Instituts für Astronomie an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

    03/2012 – 03/2016: Postdoktorand, I. Physikalishes Institut, Universität zu Köln

    09/2005 – 12/2006: Privatdozent, Russische Staatliche Universität für Erdöl und Gas

    05/2005 – 04/2012: Leitender Wissenschaftler, Institut für Spektroskopie, Russische Akademie der Wissenschaften

  • Universitätsausbildung


    12/2018: Habilitation in Experimentalphysik, Physikalisch-Astronomische Fakultät, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

    02/2005: Promotion, Physikalische Fakultät, Lomonossow Staatliche Universität Moskau

    01/2002: Diplom in Physik, Physikalische Fakultät, Lomonossow Staatliche Universität Moskau

  • Publikationen

    67.Potapov A., Linz H., Bouwman J., Rocha W., Martin J., Wolf S., Henning T., Terada H.
    "Simple molecules and complex chemistry in a protoplanetary disk: A JWST investigation of the highly inclined disk d216-0939"
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, accepted for publication, Link

    66. Potapov A. and R. Garrod, "Influence of the C + H2O → H2CO solid-state reaction 
    on astrochemical networks and the formation of complex organic molecules", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 692, A252 (2024), Link 

    65. Potapov A.
    “Astrochemistry involving dust grains”
    Bunsen-Magazin of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, 2024, 4, 92

     64. Potapov A., Jäger C., Mutschke H., Henning T.
    “Trapped water on silicates in the laboratory and in astrophysical environments”
    The Astrophysical Journal, 2024, 965, 48

    63. Potapov A., Semenov D., Jäger C., Henning T.
    “Formation of CO2 driven by photochemistry of water ice mixed with carbon grains”
    The Astrophysical Journal, 2023, 954, 167
    62. Potapov A. and Bouwman J.
    “Importance of laboratory experimental studies of silicate grains for exoplanet atmosphere characterization”
    Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 2022, 9, 912302
    61. Potapov A., Palumbo M. E., Dionnet Z., Longobardo A., Jäger C., Baratta G., Rotundi A., Henning T.
    “Exploring refractory organics in extraterrestrial particles”
    The Astrophysical Journal, 2022, 935, 158
    60. Potapov A., Fulvio D., Krasnokutski S., Jäger C., and Henning T.
    “Formation of complex organic and prebiotic molecules in H2O:NH3:CO2 ices at temperatures relevant to hot cores, protostellar envelopes and planet-forming disks” 
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2022, 126, 1627
    59. Potapov A. and McCoustra M.
    “Physics and chemistry on the surface of cosmic dust grains: a laboratory view”
    International Reviews in Physical Chemistry, 2021, 40, 299
    58. Fulvio D., Potapov A., He J., Henning T.
    “Astrochemical pathways to complex organic and prebiotic molecules: experimental perspectives for in situ solid-state studies” 
    Life, 2021, 11, 568
    57. Potapov A., Krasnokutski S., Jäger C., and Henning T.
    “A new “non-energetic” route to complex organic molecules in astrophysical environments: the C + H2O solid-state reaction”
    The Astrophysical Journal, 2021, 920, 111
    56. Potapov A., Bouwman J., Jäger C., Henning T.
    “Dust/ice mixing in cold regions and solid-state water in the diffuse interstellar medium”
    Nature Astronomy, 2021, 5, 78
    55. Potapov A., Jäger C., Henning T.
    “Ice coverage of dust grains in cold astrophysical environments”
    Physical Review Letters, 2020, 124, 221103 (Editor Highlighted Paper)
    54. Potapov A., Jäger C., Henning T.
    “Thermal formation of ammonium carbamate on the surface of laboratory analogs of carbonaceous grains in protostellar envelopes and planet-forming disks”
    The Astrophysical Journal, 2020, 894, 110
    53. Theulé P., Endres C., Hermanns M., Zingsheim O., Bossa J.B., Potapov A.
    “High-resolution gas phase spectroscopy of molecules desorbed from an ice surface: a proof-of-principle study”
    ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2020, 4, 86
    52. Kim M., Wolf S., Potapov A., Mutschke H., and Jäger C.
    “Constraining the detectability of water ice in debris disks”
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019, 629, A141
    51. Potapov A., Jäger C., Henning T.
    “Photodesorption of water ice from dust grains and thermal desorption of cometary ices studied by the INSIDE experiment”
    The Astrophysical Journal, 2019, 880, 12
    50. Potapov A., Theulé P., Jäger C., and Henning T.
    “Evidence of surface catalytic effect on cosmic dust grain analogues: the ammonia and carbon dioxide surface reaction” 
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2019, 878, L20
    49. Ocaña A.J., Blázquez S., Potapov A., Ballesteros B., Canosa A., Antiñolo M., Vereecken L., Albaladejo J., Jiménez E.
    “Gas-phase reactivity of CH3OH toward OH at interstellar temperatures (11.7 - 177.0 K): Experimental and theoretical study”
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21, 6942
    48. Potapov A., Jäger C., Henning T.
    “Temperature programed desorption of water ice from the surface of amorphous carbon and silicate grains as related to planet-forming disks”
    The Astrophysical Journal, 2018, 865, 58
    47. Potapov A., Mutschke H., Seeber P., Henning T., Jäger C.
    “Low temperature optical properties of interstellar and circumstellar icy silicate grain analogues in the mid-infrared spectral region”
    The Astrophysical Journal, 2018, 861, 84
    46. Asselin P., Belkhodja Y., Jabri A., Potapov A., Loreau J., van der Avoird A.
    “Rovibrational laser jet-cooled spectroscopy of the NH3-Ar complex in the v2 umbrella region of NH3: comparison between new infrared data and an ab initio calculated spectrum”
    Molecular Physics, 2018, 116, 3642
    45. Potapov A., Jäger C., Henning T., Jonusas M., Krim L.
    “The formation of formaldehyde on interstellar carbonaceous grain analogs by O/H atom addition”
    The Astrophysical Journal, 2017, 846, 131
    44. Asselin P., Potapov A., Turner A., Boudon V., Bruel L., Gaveau M. A., and Mons M.
    “Conformational landscape of the SF6 dimer as revealed by high resolution infrared spectroscopy and complexation with rare gas atoms”
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19, 17224
    43. Potapov A., Canosa A., Jiménez E., Rowe B.
    “Uniform Supersonic Chemical Reactors: 30 years of astrochemical history and future challenges”
    Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017, 56, 2
    42. Potapov A.
    “Weakly bound molecular complexes in the laboratory and in the interstellar medium: A lost interest?”
    Molecular Astrophysics, 2017, 6, 16
    41. Potapov A., Sanchez-Monge A., Schilke P., Graf U.U., Möller Th., Schlemmer S.
    “The CO-H2 van der Waals complex and complex organic molecules in cold molecular clouds: a TMC-1C survey”
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2016, 594, A117
    40. Asvany O., Yamada K.M.T., Brünken S., Potapov A., and Schlemmer S.
    “Experimental Ground State Combination Differences of CH5+”
    Science, 2015, 347, 1346
    39. Surin L.A., Potapov A., Dolgov A.A., Tarabukin I.V., Panfilov V.A., Schlemmer S., Kalugina Yu., Faure A., and van der Avoird A.
    “Rotational study of the NH3–CO complex: millimeter-wave measurements and ab initio calculations”
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 2015, 142, 114308
    38. Surin L.A., Potapov A., Müller H.S.P., and Schlemmer S.
    “A new millimeter-wave observation of the weakly bound CO–N2 complex”
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 2015, 307, 54
    37. Potapov A., Surin L., Schlemmer S.
    “First observation of the rotational spectrum of the HD–CO weakly bound complex”
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 2015, 307, 18
    36. Potapov A., Asselin P.
    “High resolution jet spectroscopy of weakly bound binary complexes involving water”
    International Reviews in Physical Chemistry, 2014, 33, 275
    35. Potapov A., Lewen F., Mutschke H., Mohr P., Schlemmer S.
    “Total power millimeter-wave spectrometer for measurements of dust opacity at cryogenic temperatures”
    Review of Scientific Instruments, 2014, 85, 073102
    34. Jankowski P., Surin L.A., Potapov A., Schlemmer S., McKellar A.R.W., Szalewicz K.
    “A comprehensive experimental and theoretical study of H2-CO Spectra”
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 2013, 138, 084307
    33. Potapov A.V., Dolgov A.A., Surin L.A.
    „Millimeter-wave spectroscopy of the weakly bound molecular complex NH3-N2“
    Optics and Spectroscopy, 2012, 113, 1
    32. Dolgov A.A., Panfilov V.A., Potapov A.V., Surin L.A.
    „Study of the spectrum of the Kr-CO weakly bound molecular complex in the millimeter-wavelength range“
    Optics and Spectroscopy, 2012, 112, 696
    31. Potapov A.V., Dolgov A.A., Panfilov V.A., Surin L.A., and Schlemmer S.
    “Millimeter-wave study of the CH4–CO complex: New measurements with OROTRON spectrometer”
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 2011, 268, 112
    30. Potapov A.V., Surin L.A., Schlemmer S., and Giesen T.F.
    “Submillimeter-wave spectroscopy of the K = 2 – 1 subband of the Ne–CO complex”
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 2011, 270, 116
    29. Potapov A.V.
    “Particular Features of Circular Dichroism Spectra of Resin-Asphaltene Compounds in Solvent and Crude Oil”
    Optics and Spectroscopy, 2011, 110, 730
    28. Potapov A.V., Panfilov V.A., Surin L.A., Dumesh B.S.
    “The problem of the structure (state of helium) in small HeN–CO clusters”
    Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2010, 111, 770
    27. Raston P.L., Xu Y., Jäger W., Potapov A.V., Surin L.A., Dumesh B.S., Schlemmer S. 
    “Rotational study of carbon monoxide isotopologues in small 4He clusters”
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2010 12, 8260
    26. Potapov A.V., Kolyakov S.F.
    “Investigation of Influence of Electric Field on Optical Circular Dichroism of Crude Oil”
    Optics and Spectroscopy, 2010, 108, 968
    25. Potapov A.V., Surin L.A., Panfilov V.A., Dumesh B.S., Giesen T.F., Schlemmer S., Raston P.L., and Jäger W.
    “Rotational spectroscopy of the CO–paraH2 molecular complex”
    The Astrophysical Journal, 2009, 703, 2108
    24. Kalinin A.V., Krasheninnikov V.N., Potapov A.V.
    “Effect of dispersion structure variation on chemometrical calibration of near infrared spectrometer: protein fractions in milk and reversed micelles solutions”
    Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems, 2009, 97, 33
    23. Potapov A.V., Panfilov V.A., Dolgov A.A., Surin L.A., Dumesh B.S.
    “Microwave Spectroscopy of the Weakly Bound CO–ortho-D2 Molecular Complex”
    Optics and Spectroscopy, 2009, 106, 655
    22. Potapov A.V., Panfilov V.A., Surin L.A., Dumesh B.S.
    “Millimeter-Wave Spectroscopy of Weakly Bound Molecular Complexes: Isotopologues of He–CO”
    Optics and Spectroscopy, 2009, 106, 183
    21. Dumesh B.S., Potapov A.V., Surin L.A.,   
    “Spectroscopy of small helium clusters and “nanoscopic” superfluidity: HeN–CO, N = 2 – 20...”
    Advances in Physical Sciences, 2009, 52, 294
    20. Surin L.A., Potapov A.V., Dumesh B.S., Schlemmer S., Xu Y., Raston P.L., Jäger W.
    “Rotational Study of Carbon Monoxide Solvated with Helium Atoms”
    Physical Review Letters, 2008, 101, 233401
    19. Potapov A.V., Kolyakov S.F., Krasheninnikov V.N., Syunyaev R.Z.
    “Circular dichroism of crude oils: influence of micelle formation”
    Energy and Fuels, 2008, 22, 561
    18. Potapov A.V., Syunyaev, R.Z.
    “Cluster formation in dispersion systems: oil and micellar systems”
    Optics and Spectroscopy, 2008, 104, 462
    17. Syunyaev R.Z., Potapov A.V.
    “Spectroscopy of petroleum nanodispersed systems: tasks, methods, and perspectives” (in Russian)
    Innovations of Moscow region, 2008, 3, 3
    16. Potapov A.V., Alekseev D.B., Alekseeva I.G., Saletsky A.M.
    “Investigation of cluster formation in reversed micelles systems by the method of correlation spectroscopy of scattered light”
    Laser Physics Letters, 2007, 4, 61
    15. Potapov A.V.
    “Determination of the content of resinous asphaltenic substances in crude oil using absorption spectroscopy in the near ultraviolet spectral region” (in Russian)
    Russian Journal of Oil and Gas Technologies, 2007, 6, 62
    14. Potapov A.V., Kolyakov S.F., Krasheninnikov V.N. and Dumesh B.S.
    “Circular dichroism of crude oil and its derivatives. Role of permolecular structures”
    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2006, 303, 159
    13. Surin L.A., Potapov A.V., Müller H.S.P., Panfilov V.A., Dumesh B.S., Giesen T., Schlemmer S.
    “Millimeter-wave study of the CO–N2 van der Waals complex: new measurements of CO–orthoN2 and assignments of new states of CO–paraN2“
    Journal of Molecular Structure, 2006, 795, 198
    12. Potapov A.V., Saletsky A.M.
    “Association of rhodamine 6G in light and heavy water solutions”
    Optics and Spectroscopy, 2006, 100, 30
    11. Potapov A.V., Kolyakov S.F., Krasheninnikov V.N., Dumesh B.S.
    “Optical circular dichroism as a new method for the determination of the lower aggregation threshold of asphaltenes in crude oil” (in Russian)
    Russian Journal of Oil and Gas Technologies, 2006, 6, 58
    10. Potapov A.V., Saletsky A.M.
    “Fluorescence saturation of dye molecules in water pools of reversed micelles”
    Laser Physics Letters, 2005, 2, 476
    9. Surin L.A., Potapov A.V., Panfilov V.A., Dumesh B.S., Winnewisser G.
    “Millimeter-wave spectrum of Ne–CO: new measurements”
    Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 2005, 230, 149
    8. Domnina N.A., Korolev A.F., Potapov A.V., Saletsky A.M.
    “Influence of microwave radiation on the association processes of rhodamine 6G molecules in aqueous solutions”
    Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 2005, 72, 33
    7. Kuzmicheva A.N., Potapov A.V., Saletsky A.M.
    “Influence of structures of reversed micelle solutions on processes of electron excitation energy transfer” (in Russian)
    Russian Journal of Chemical Physics, 2005, 24, 106
    6. Andreev G.A., Potapov A.V., Saletskii A.M. 
    “Electronic excitation energy transfer between dye molecules in H2O and D2O solutions in the micellar phase”
    Optics and Spectroscopy, 2004, 97, 883
    5. Domnina N.A., Potapov A.V., Saletskii A.M.
    “Biomolecular processes between dye molecules and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on the surface of a semiconductor–dielectric structure”
    Optics and Spectroscopy, 2004, 96, 515
    4. Andreev G.A., Lozovaya T.N., Potapov A.V., Saletskii A.M. 
    “Electronic energy transfer between dye molecules in structured solutions 
    of H2O and D2O”
    Optics and Spectroscopy, 2003, 94, 16
    3. Domnina N.A., Lozovaya T.N., Potapov A.V., Saletsky A.M.
    “Magneto-optical study of water system structure” (in Russian)
    Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2003, 47
    2. Lozovaya T.N., Potapov A.V., Saletsky A.M.
    “Transfer of energy of electronic excitation between molecules of colours in aqueous systems. Role of water structure” (in Russian)
    Russian Journal of Chemical Physics, 2002, 21, 3
    1. Lozovaya T.N., Potapov A.V., Saletsky A.M.
    “Influence of the structure of water-alcohol solutions of dyes on their molecular association”
    Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 2001, 68, 548